" I implore you, my child; observe heaven and earth, consider all that is in them, and acknowledge that God made them out of nothing (ex nihilo), and that mankind comes into being in the same way..." 2 Maccabees 7:28

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blogging etiquette

One of the great things about blogging is that you connect with people you've never even met! SInce I am new to the blogging world, however, I have been hesitant to step out boldly as I don't know what the blogging cultural norms are. There are several blogs that I read everyday, however I wasn't sure whether it would be appropriate to attach their blogs as a link to my own without going through some sort of ritual that everyone knows but me; the violation of which will result in loss of limb or social isolation. Would this be considered akin to a marriage proposal in some countries? Do I need to ask their parents permission? I mean, I just don't know. But imagine my joy when one of my daily blogs puts my own blog as a link on theirs! So now I am casting caution to the wind and linking my daily blogs here. So, yes, Musings of a Madwoman, I will marry you!


Erin said...

And I, you, Girl Ex Nihilo!

Tanya said...

Hello. I was 'blog hopping' and came across yours. haven't read all of your posts, but enough to know, i'll be back. congrats on your 'engagement'!

Anonymous said...

How dare you? ;)

I kid. I kid.

The wonderful thing about blogs is that there are no rules. None at all. So get wild and crazy on the world wide web of blogging.

Tanya said...

hey, thanks for stopping by and the comments. i actually use my other blog a lot more than the one you visited. but come by either one anytime. www.ahearttransformed.blogspot.com

Amy Rose said...

It's really funny that you wrote this post. I'm a friend of Kasia, who has YOUR link of HER blog, so I started reading it. You are a terrific writer and you have great voice (but I felt strange telling you that before I read this post)!

Just wanted to tell you that I've added you to my prayer list and am remembering you at Mass. God bless you!