" I implore you, my child; observe heaven and earth, consider all that is in them, and acknowledge that God made them out of nothing (ex nihilo), and that mankind comes into being in the same way..." 2 Maccabees 7:28

Monday, January 19, 2009


Saturday was my birthday. My mom rented a cabin in Santa Cruz and we all went out there to barbecue steaks and play Cranium in the moonlight. It was great fun.
My birthday present, you ask? Oh, yes. Certainly worth mentioning. I got pepper spray.

So here I am, the beginning of a new year in my life. Life Teen has started, and every time I'm put in a position to do something new and uncomfortable, I feel that familiar hesitation and certainty that I'm inadequate for the task. But if I take it to prayer, one thing comes back to me; a line I heard years a go from a book about temperaments. "Throw a melancholic in the water and he will swim". Perhaps the theme for this year will be learning to swim.


Anonymous said...

Gee, and I always thought you were a pretty good swimmer!

Sounds like you had a great birthday. Life Teen is a pretty good program, and can have a powerful effect on youth. What role are you playing on the team?

Hope you're well. You're in my prayers. And, though I know you're a generous and sharing person, please don't share your pepper spray with me! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Faith!

Pepper spray?

Jessie O said...

I didn't know we were birthday buddies... My birthday was yesterday. There's something particularly profound about starting a new year this time around. Glad you're doing well. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...


  I wanted to go to Santa Cruz with you!!

Anonymous said...

♪Happy Birthday, Faith♪
Please post your birthday photos on this web(^^)/

hopeyg said...

Hey Papes,
Happy Birthday. I tried calling you the other day, but you weren't there so I left a message. Mom wanted to get pepper spray for me too, but I think I convinced her not to. Who knows maybe I'll get it for my next birthday.

I so know what you mean about feeling inadequate for the task. My usual thought is, "I can't do this. Other people can handle this, but I can't." But you're right melancholics can swim. And also when I think I can't do this that just makes me turn to God and say, "um... you gotta help me here." One of the reasons why I love St. Therese is because of this- she wasn't scared of her littleness. Here's a quote from her that I used to think about often.

"What pleases him the most is when he sees me loving my littleness and poverty."

Love you and Happy Birthday!


LA said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Faith! Cranium in the moonlight?? You can't get any better than that!

Anonymous said...

Actually it was Cranium by flashlight...