This is me and my dog-niece Alice, wearing a sympathy scarf. It has nothing to do with my post. Actually it has nothing to do with sympathy either, as the scarf was forced upon her and she was held in my lap under duress for the photo shoot.
Sorry, dear readers, for my infrequent posts. This last session had been particularly tiring, although I don't have the brain fog that I did in sessions past, which is nice. In fact, I read a whole book yesterday- 400 pages in one sitting. So I feel a little more like myself- nerdy.
Today I went to a chiropractor for the first time ever. A really nice couple that I had known for awhile from church told me recently that they are both chiropractors and offered me free sessions to help cope with the effects of chemotherapy. I did not know much about it, but know other people who have had very good experiences with it. And the whole chemotherapy song- and- dance can really make you feel like you are out of control of your whole healing process, that you are dependent on these nasty chemicals that they put into you for your survival. So to try something different felt very...well, empowering. (For some reason, I don't like using that word... it sounds so Gem and the Holograms, you know? "Showtime, synergy... " yech!).
Anyway, although they have an office in the city, she was at home with her kids today and I met her there. When I got there, she was putting her baby to sleep and I was talking to her very precocious 3 year old, D, in a pink leotard with a tie- on ballet skirt. We read some books and she showed me some of the gifts that Santa brought her. She would lose her train of thought and break off in the middle of her own sentence with something unrelated, like "see how tall I am now" standing up and showing me. I confirmed that she was, indeed, humongous and she nodded solemnly and we went back to the story.
When it was time for mommy to work, grandpa came to take D for an outing. But she didn't want to go; told them she was going to stay and help mommy with her work. Grandpa tried his best to tempt her, even insinuating that there was a trip to Jamba Juice in the deal. She hesitated at this one, then told grandpa decidedly to" bring me back a strawberry shake, I'm going to work on Faith". She was so determined! Mom even suggested that she wait and work on mommy later, but this suggestion was not cutting the mustard as she responded "but you don't need any help! I want to work on the ones who don't feel good!"
So when I was lying on the table, her mom told her to help by praying for me as mommy worked. This was a fulfilling enough assignment for a time, but she soon said in her little kid stage whisper 'Mommy, I want to help more". She pulled her little chair up at the head of the table so I could just see her feet from my position lying down. Then she started circling around me, lifting up my feet as her mom told her to do. When this assignment grew boring, she started doing some of her own renegade work, growing increasingly more confident in her skills . I would feel a friendly little poke in my spine, then an earnest jab in my ribs and then an authoritative yank on my foot. Since I couldn't see her, I never knew where she'd be next. When mommy was done, she got her own time helping with "hands on healing"- putting her hands on my head (I think she wanted to take my headscarf off but a quick word from mom and she moved on) and my back, my legs and feet and praying for me silently.
It reminded me of a story I heard about World War I. Pope Benedict XV was one of the few players working towards a peaceful resolution, he was largely ignored by the political players, even considered destructive as his efforts for peace were considered to weaken the spirit of the fighters. He tried to organize the famous Christmas truce, but that failed as well. Whn it seemed like all hope for peace was gone and there was nothing left but to pray for mercy, he called together 10,000 children making their first communion to Saint Peters Square. He begged them to pray for the intercession of Our Lady to end the fighting before even more lives were lost. He died shortly thereafter, never being able to see the fruits of his labor on earth to end the conflict, most likely thinking he died a failure. But in May of 1917, Our Lady made her first appearance at Fatima. To children.
So it would be a grave mistake indeed to discount the prayers of children. I count myself lucky to have had my own little warrior in a pink tutu fighting for me.
Love, Faith
You look fantastic in a head scarf!!! I hope the session with the chiropractor made you feel better. I've never gone before.
Lots of love and prayers,
I will always be in prayer for you.
A very nice blog. We shoul be united to promote more awareness about cancer. continue posting and a complete healing. thank you.
hey faith glad you are feeling better.
That scraf really does look nice on you. Chiropractors can be good.
take care and will write again.
Kathy in menlo park
Yeah, I'm with you on getting kids to pray for you. My nieces are my clutch prayers for me when I'm in over my head. Another good source is recently Confirmed. After my confirmation a few years ago it seemed as if I had the golden touch. Just about all the intentions I was asked to pray for were answered. :)
I thought the best part of the story is how the little girl was so eager to help... to heal someone else. She self-sacraficed a trip to Jamba Juice even!
That childlike enthusiasm to help those that hurt should stay with us even when we don't wear pink tutus anymore.
Children have such pureness in them that I'm sure God makes sure to listen to their prayers first... or maybe God needs to first quiet down the children's prayers so that He can get to ours.
I know God doesn't work in an order system, but I like that imagery. Little kids jumping up and down, "Hey. G, I got one for you. Listen to this one.... AHHHH. Are you HEARTING ME?!"
You look amazingly beautiful, Faith. I mean that. You have kind eyes.
I'm glad you wrote. It gave me peace.
What book did you read?
Why do they call it a "headscarf?"
No one calls it a "neck-scarf" when you wear it around your neck or a "waist-scarf" when you wear it in your belt loops, or a "clown-scarf" when you see a clown pulling them out of his sleeves.
Am I the only one that is wondering this? It's really just a scarf. I should know, I come from a country where it's very fashionable to wear a scarf on your head.
What if we started labeling our other clothing by the body parts that carried them?
The possibilities are endless!
Wow! Finally, another post. I keep looking and.. nothing new.
But I don't post very often either, so I shouldn't complain. -Trinka
You don't know me. I am Windshield Rosary's cousin. I have been reading your blog and praying for you daily. I have wanted to leave a comment a few times, but haven't for some reason.
I had to leave a comment today. I truly believe God answers the prayers of children more. Maybe not first, but he listens to them. Maybe it's their innocence. Maybe its to help them believe in the power if prayer.
I know this because my mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer about 2 and a half years ago. She went through major Chemo for over a year. My two daughters prayed for her every night (as well as my husband and I, of course). They would say "God, please make Grandma better." Every night, without fail.
About a year or so ago my mother-in-law got a letter from Kaiser that basically said she is in remission. She still has some of the cancer, but it has not grown, it has shrunk. My husband had to read the letter a few times to believe it. A true miracle. She was given just a year to live.
My older daughter (about 4 yrs old at the time), over hearing what we were saying, came over to ask what were were talking about. I told her, "You know how you and your sister have been praying for God to make Grandma better? He did, Grandma is better." The look on her face was so wonderful. She understood what their prayers did. My daughter went right over and gave Grandma a great big hug! It was wonderful. It still bring tears to my eyes today.
So, Faith, that little girl praying and healing you was a true blessing. That little girl will be a wonderful part of your healing. I just know it!
Stay strong, stay happy and positive and may God bless you many many times over!
Love and prayers,
BTW, my mother-in-law is doing well. Since her letter, she has been to China, Vietnam, & Mexico. I'm sure at this moment her and my father-in-law are planning another wonderful trip.
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